Why Thunderbird Setup 91.13.1 Thunderbird 102 is not compatible with SOGo plugin v78.0.1 for SOGo 5.7.1 Thunderbird 91 is the most recent version that is compatible with the SOGo plugin Downloads: - Thunderbird v91 - https://download.mozilla.org/?product=thunderbird-91.13.1-SSL&os=win64&lang=en-US - SOGo plugin v78 - https://www.sogo.nu/download.html#/frontends Note: The SOGo XPI-file needs to be modified to include your SOGo server's hostname 1) Rename the .xpi file to .zip and unzip it 2) Modify file "custom-preferences.js" in folder "sogo-connector-78.0.1.xpi\chrome\content\sogo-connector\general" 3) Change variable: force_char_pref("sogo-connector.baseURL", "https://yourserver.domainname.nl/SOGo");  4) Re-zip the folder into a .zip file and rename the file to .xpi 5) Open Thunderbird and install the extension from the .xip file 1AFA: info dated 2022-11-23 (Ticket #T511885)